The sculptors got to work at 9:00 Saturday morning and worked until 2:00 when the judging started. They got to use whatever tools they wanted as long as they weren't electrical.
This man finished his sculpture rather early, so, while waiting around for the judges to come by, he sculpted a smaller block of ice into a beer mug (why not? It's Wisconsin!)
My friend, Ben (below), participated for the first time in 4 years and made a really cool sculpture of a dragon with an ice cream cone (you can see the finished sculpture below). The theme of this year's Janboree was "Fire & Ice".
And here are some of the other finished sculptures:
This sculpture was made to represent Golden Guernsey dairy, which, unfortunately is closing its doors very soon.
This sculpture, representing General Electric (a large employer in Waukesha County) had a working light bulb inside.
And this sculpture represented my favorite Waukesha coffee shop, The Steaming Cup.
This is also my "K" post for Jennifer Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. Unfortunately, even though I have a lot of fun participating in her blog hop, my participation this year may be sporadic at best, since I'm in my last semester of school. But click on the link to see more posts!